Bądź na bieżąco


Surveillance is not our enemy!

The cosmetics industry is one of the most aware and self-regulating sectors of the Polish economy, but sometimes the number of regulations we have to deal with can be overwhelming.

Mistakes that occur are usually due to lack of knowledge, the speed and amount of changes, or simply oversight.

The institutions that oversee the industry also need to stay up-to-date and keep pace with changes, and understand the solutions that the sector implements in response to new legal regulations.

That’s why we always say – IT’S WORTH TALKING!

We thank the Polish Cosmetic Industry Association for organizing the Round Table 'Supervision of cosmetic products in practice’ and for inviting Dr. Iwona Białas to lead one of the lectures. We hope that the proverbial two cents added to the discussion from the perspective of a practitioner – a safety assessor, also shed some light on what we face daily on both sides of the barricade.


W tym roku po raz pierwszy w historii odbywających się raz na trzy lata konferencji szkoleniowo – naukowych Polskiego Towarzystwa Toksykologicznego odbędą się warsztaty dotyczące
The cosmetics industry is one of the most aware and self-regulating sectors of the Polish economy, but sometimes the number of regulations we have to deal with can be overwhelming.